Pizza Delivery DX
A deluxe version of Joshua Mononoetoe's Pizza Delivery!
Welcome to the Pizza Delivery DX page!
On this page, you'll find information about Pizza Delivery DX, thedownload, the download of the original Pizza Delivery and some bonusstuff. Enjoy! ;)
About Pizza Delivery DX
Pizza Delivery DX is aspecial amlost entirely remade version of Joshua Mononoetoe's PizzaDelivery.
In Pizza Delivery, the goal was simple: to get the pizzas to thecustomers without being killed by one of the cars on the road betweenthe Pizza Delivery and the houses...
I want to thank Joshua Mononoetoe for creating the original PizzaDelivery game and for supplying me with the Pizza Delivery source code,and for testing the DX version, and for re-recording some sounds, ANDfor moral support! Phew! You're a great guy, Joshua!
Aaaaand, I want to thank all extension developers for creating suchgreat extensions which allows me to do more in MMF. And of course,Clickteam for creating MMF in the first place. :)
Changes between Pizza Deliveryand Pizza Delivery DX
There are some prettybig differences between the normal version and tyhe deluxe version. Ilisted them here.
- New intro screen - An entirely newintro screen, with a hi-res version of the Pizza Delivery Boy, a neattitle and fullscreen/windowed option.
- New help screen - A much clearerhelp screen (instead of just the help file).
- New/improved graphics - Thisincludes the hi-res Delivery Boy, but also new cars, a new pavement,new grass, counters and fonts!
- Improved gameplay - You now have todeliver as fast as possible to get a bonus, or if you are WAY too lateyou'll get nothing!
- More levels - Instead of threelevels getting hard very quickly, there are now 10 levels, from easy tohard.
- New sound and music - The originalgame's music was corrupted so you didn't hear anything. Now you hear anew song per level! Also, the game over sound was re-recorded andthere's a 'too late' sound fot if you are late with delivering...
- Secret Debug mode - There is aspecial debug mode (a.k.a. Cheat mode) which lets you select your levelof choice... Your score will be reset when you do so, though.
ACTIVATION HINT: The cheat can be activated with the same keycombo used in an old Apogee MS-DOS game... - Entire engine overhaul! - Thegame's entire engine was recoded, so it should be more stable andbug-free.
- Some minor changes like a counterto show which level you are in and a bonus when you finished a level.
Download the game
Wanna downloadthe game? Of course you can! It's free!
DownloadPizza Delivery DX 1.0
Download the original Pizza Delivery game
Sorry, at the moment this one is unavailable. The game is nolonger on my hard disk. I'll ask Joshua for the game again soon. ;)
Special stuff
Extra stuff you don't have to know or get, but which isfun anyway.
- Facts about Pizza Delivery -
- Icreated most of the remake in just one or two days, but after that Ijust entirely forgot the game, until I finally finished a few monthslater. The things that had to be finishedweren't much. I added three samples and new car colours. Wow, whatproductivity! :D
- Pizza Delivery looksvery much like a game I used to play on the streets when I was a child,but of course not with cars and pizzas! Well, onnly cars whichinterrupted our game, anyway.
- All cars are the same,but just have a fifferent base colour (which are grey, green, blue, redand purple). I was too lazy to make my own cars, hehe.
- Joshua made the gamein 2000 and really had to laugh when I requested to make a DX versionin 2005... In turn, I was very surprised he still had the source!
- While working on PizzaDelivery DX, I was also working on another game. A Commander Keenfangame. From which I used some inspiration for Pizza Delivery DX!
- I looked at the PizzaDelivery's original icon, but I'll be damned if I know what kind ofpizza that is! XD
This page and Pizza Delivery DX©Vincent Beers
Pizza Delivery Original version ©Joshua Mononoetoe